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For Parents/Families

Common Sense Media

Common Sense Logo

Common Sense Media

Common Sense is the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. They empower parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives.


PikMyKid Logo



Dismissal Procedures at the Elementary Campus are changing. In an effort to enhance your child’s safety, simplify dismissal, and reduce traffic congestion we will be using the PikMyKid application. View this parent welcome video for more information. 


The PikMyKid app will be used by ALL families and school staff at Explorer and Discovery for all forms of school dismissal. It is NOT being used at the Middle and High School. The app works with both Android and iPhones.

  • Car loop will be dismissed through the app
  • Walker station will be dismissed through the app
  • Bus drivers will check students in through the app
  • Kids’ Corner will check students in through the app
  • ALL changes to a student’s end-of-day plan will be communicated from families to the school through the app


Additional features of the app include:

  • Allows parents to set a calendar for students who have different dismissal plans for different days of the week
  • Allows parents to identify adults permitted to pick their child up

For instructions on how to download the app, register your child/children and use the app, click here. Please disregard item 6 (Check In). We will not be using the app for student arrival.


Nutrislice Logo


Williamston Community Schools uses a program called Nutrislice to make nutritional information about food that is served to students available to parents. Please click the link above to view the program. 

PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal

PowerSchool Parent Portal

PowerSchool Parent Portal

Parent Access allows parents and guardians to view information about their child.  This includes attendance, grades, and messages from the school and teacher. To view this information, you must first create a Parent Access account and link your student(s) to your account.  To do so, you must have the Access ID and Access Password for each child. 

For information on setting up an account, please click the link below.

PowerSchool - Troubleshoot Login Issues


MealMagic Family Portal

Meal Magic Family Portal

Meal Magic Family Portal is replacing Sendmoneytoschool. It allows parents and guardians to make deposits to student accounts, transfer funds, review account balances, see what their children are eating, apply for meal benefits and more.  There is a $2.00 convenience fee for each deposit made online.
To create an account, you will need your child's student ID number.  If you do not know your child's student ID number, contact the school office or Food & Nutrition Services at 517-339-7000 and ask for Karen Hagerman, Adm. Asst.
*All student balances remain in each account.


Protect MiChild

The Michigan Child Protection Registry is a free program offered by the State of Michigan. The Registry is designed to keep adult-oriented electronic messages such as pornography, alcohol, tobacco and gambling from reaching children.

The Michigan Child Protection Registry allows you to register your family's e-mail addresses, mobile phone numbers, instant messenger IDs, and fax numbers. When you sign up for the Registry, marketers who send adult messages are required by law to remove your registered addresses from their lists. If you continue to receive adult-oriented messages after you have been registered for 30 days, you may file a complaint by visiting the registry's website.

To register your family for this free program or for more information, visit


SchoolMessenger Notification System

Williamston Community Schools utilizes a rapid notification system called SchoolMessenger.  This automated system is used to notify you of school closings, unexcused absences for students at the secondary level, and other important messages.  SchoolMessenger can send thousands of phone, email, and text message notifications in just a matter of minutes.

Phone calls and email messages will go out at that time based on the information in our PowerSchool student information system. 

You can add additional phone numbers and email addresses at which to be contacted by logging into your PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Safer Schools Together

Safer Schools Together

Safer Schools Together is committed to ending school violence by encouraging school districts to create positive, safe, and caring learning environments for every student, staff, and parent.

Using best practices from the field of School Safety and Threat Assessment, SST assists teams in the early identification and intervention of individuals on the pathway to violence. We offer professional training for law enforcement agencies, school districts, and community partners.

With comprehensive prevention and intervention strategies, SST provides School Safety and Threat Assessment Teams with the tools needed, to build capacity and sustainability. Our services are designed to ensure students, staff, schools, and communities have access to a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment, both online and offline.